Volunteers make a big difference at St Vincent Ferrer. SVF offers many opportunities to be connected to the school & parish, and encourages you to consider volunteering. Please see below for descriptions of several volunteer options. Please contact the parish office and school for more information.
If you are interested in any of the ministries below, please fill out the form here. Someone will contact you from that ministry.
* Please note that all volunteers need to comply with the Archdiocese SafeParish program and have an approved background check. Read more.
ATHLETIC COMMISSION MEMBER - Serves on the commission that organizes and sets policy for the sports programs offered to the children of the parish.
COACHES - Volunteer to coach or assist with boys and girls athletic teams of soccer, basketball, softball, baseball, volleyball, golf, cross country and track.
FUND RAISING - Assist with fund raising events.
LIBRARY VOLUNTEER - Assist librarian with maintenance of school library.
LUNCHROOM VOLUNTEER - Help with hot lunches Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays.
PLAYGROUND VOLUNTEERS - Adults to help supervise lunchtime recess.
PTO VOLUNTEERS - Assist with fund-raising events.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTER - Offers the Body and Blood of Christ to the assembly. Distributors are parishioners who are confirmed.
MUSIC MINISTRY - Members of the Choir, Contemporary Ensemble, and instrumentalists provide an opportunity for prayerful worship at Sunday Eucharist and other liturgical experiences throughout the year.
SACRISTAN - Prepare sanctuary and altar for Sunday Eucharist, weekdays, Holy Days, weddings, and funerals.
SERVER - Assists the presider at Mass, 4th grade or older. Adult servers are also needed for weekday Masses and special liturgical feasts.
USHER - Persons to welcome and seat congregation, direct the flow of movement during the liturgies and take up the collection.
GREETERS - With ushers, provide welcoming for members of the assembly before Mass at the doors of the church at all weekend Masses. Singles, couples, and families, encouraged to participate.
ART & ENVIRONMENT - A committee that provides for the seasonal decor of the Church.
BEREAVEMENT MINISTER - Members assist the family of a deceased person with planning of the funeral liturgy and help to facilitate the funeral Mass.
LECTOR - Proclaim the Word of God in Scripture for Sunday and weekday Masses, Holy Days and special liturgical feasts.
LANDSCAPE/GARDENING TEAM - Gardening enthusiasts needed to be available for seasonal planting, trimming, mulching, etc. of parish grounds. Parishioners can also "Adopt a Plot."
MEN'S CLUB - All men of parish welcome to join for service, fun, men's night out once a month, 4th Wednesday, 8:00 PM.
ST. VINCENT dePaul Society- Provides emergency financial and material aid to parishioners and persons living within parish boundaries. To aid in this outreach, they sponsor the collection of canned goods and aluminum cans and clothing drives 2x year. Meets on 3rd Monday @ 10:00 AM.
WOMEN'S SOCIAL VOLLEYBALL - Every Tuesday, September - May, 8:00 PM for women of the parish.
R.C.I.A. (Process for Christian Initiation of Adults) Be a sponsor for an adult learning about the Catholic faith (RCIA). Meetings take place on Tuesday Evenings throughout fall, winter and spring. PRAYER PARTNER - Person who prays for a specific inquirer throughout the initiation process.
BIBLE DISCUSSION GROUPS - Meet: 7:30 PM Thursdays, 10:00 AM Fridays, 7:30 PM Sundays mid-September thru mid-May.
ROSARY - Parishioners gather 25 minutes before daily Mass to pray the rosary.
PRAYER CHAIN - A group that prayer for parishioner intentions.
ADULT FORMATION TEAM - Members plan Adult Education events, evening meetings vary.
CHILDREN'S R.C.I.C. TUTORS (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children) - Be a tutor for a child who may not have received formal religious education. Meetings take place at SVF. Time and day availability to be determined by student/parent/tutor.
FLOCK: Religious Education for Children and Teens
BLOOD DRIVE - Volunteers needed to give blood and assist with project, 2x year.
BREAD RUNNERS - Pick up breads and pastries and deliver to area agencies that provide for the poor.
MEATBALL/TURKEYS - Provide turkeys and meatballs for St. Francis Seraph Soup Kitchen through preparation or donations.
EASTSIDE COALITION FOR HABITAT - Applications to volunteer will be sent prior to next building project.
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMISSION - Oversees parish outreach. Brings justice issues for parish action and awareness and education. Sponsors the paper-recycling program.
ST. VINCENT dePaul Society- **See description under Parish Organizations
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE Prepare and serve dinner for Over the Rhine residents at Nast-Trinity United Methodist Church on Sunday in February or March, once a year.
TENDER MERCIES - Monthly dinners for 40 people provided and served by parish teams, Mondays or Thursdays.
ARDEN COURTS - Communion Service on rotating basis. Training provided.
COMMUNION CALLS TO HOMEBOUND - Visit parishioners who are unable to attend Mass on a regular basis with Eucharist and prayer of the community.