Please contact the parish office if you are interested
Altar Servers
Altar servers assist the priest during the Mass or prayer services, and as such, this is an important ministry of service. Altar servers may be boys or girls in the 4th grade and older. They assist during weekend Masses and at Masses for holidays, weddings, funerals and other special events.
There is a training session that is required, and a handbook is given to new servers. Altar servers must learn the order of the Mass, and the practical movements required to assist the priest. There are specific roles altar servers have: cross bearer, book bearer, etc. Your manual will help you become familiar with procedures.
Greeter Ministry
To warmly welcome members to the community as they enter St Vincent Ferrer Church. To be available to answer questions prior to the beginning of the liturgy. A willingness to commit time prior to the beginning of Mass to welcome and assist individuals who need help when entering the church. Must be available 20 minutes before Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
To assist the celebrant in the distribution of the Precious Body and Blood at Mass. To become an extraordinary minister of the Eucharistic you must first have received the Sacraments of Initiation, which include Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Bereavement Ministry
This ministry offers support to people of the parish who have experienced the death of a loved one. Volunteers are needed to reach out to others during the grieving process. Practical help can be given, such as planning the funeral liturgy and communicating to the parish staff any specific needs of the family.
The Catholic Funeral Rites are celebrations that enable the family with the support of the Christian community to mourn as well as to hope by focusing on the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ. Please contact the Bereavement Committee through the Parish office 791-9030 to make arrangements and to plan the Mass.
Lector Ministry
To proclaim the Word clearly and effectively to the assembly. Excel in proclamation of Scripture. Must have the willingness to give adequate preparation time before each assigned liturgy. Willingness to attend training sessions, workshops, Scripture classes and reflection groups on an ongoing basis.
Sacred Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at St. Vincent Ferrer is under the direction of the music minister. All members of the congregation, by virtue of their Baptism, are called to make a joyful noise to the Lord, and to sing the hymns, antiphons, acclamations, and sung parts of the Mass. For those wishing to share their vocal or instrumental talents as part of a choir or ensemble, please contact Ted at or (513) 686-1139, or stop by the music area in church after Mass.
To assist the priest in the orderly celebration of Mass and to direct the flow of the congregation in and out of the church. Willing to commit to extra time prior to and after Mass to greet and assist members into and out of the church.
To prepare the Sanctuary and Altar for the celebration of Mass in the Church, as well as other Liturgical celebrations.
Worship Committee
The purpose of the Worship Committee is to foster the growth of a living, authentic liturgical tradition in the parish in accordance with the principles set forth for the celebration of the liturgy by the Second Vatican Council. This commission is advisory to the Pastor.