SVF youth are invited to participate in a multi-parish youth ministry, currently taking place at our St. Paul the Apostle Family of Parish's All Saints campus (8939 Montgomery Road, 45236).

This ministry offers spiritual, social and service events focused on inviting students in grades 7-12 to live a more active faith-life.  It challenges them to examine various aspects of their faith and to grow in their understanding of the teaching of the Catholic Church.  Participants help shape our parish and prepare themselves to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world.

Sunday Evenings:

The junior high (grades 7 & 8) and high school (9-12) groups meet both separately and together on Sunday evenings on the All Saints campus youth room (times can vary seasonally).


Monday Evenings:

Highschoolers of the Well (H.O.W.), a group of students in grades 9-12, meet for discussion and catechesis on Monday evenings.

Details about meeting times and special youth Ministry activities are always posted in the St. Vincent Ferrer Parish Bulletin.  Families may also contact the Coordinator of Youth Ministry for St. Paul the Apostle Family of Parishes, Jeff Rosfeld, at (513) 314-1147 or


For the most up-to-date information please go to:



Mass Schedule

Weekend Masses:
Saturday:   *5:00 p.m.
Sunday:     *8:30 a.m. 
                   *10:30 a.m. 

* (indicates live-streamed and archived)

Daily Masses:    

 Tues.– Fri:    8:20 a.m. 

Eucharistic Adoration:
Thursday:  8:20 a.m.– noon

Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday:   3:30 – 4:30 p.m.

Mass Finder:  find a Mass when traveling

Contact Us

St Vincent Ferrer Church
7754 Montgomery Road
Cincinnati, OH 45236

Parish Office (513) 791-9030

Parish Office